Going to Cardinal Ritter really helps you to figure out who you are and exposes you to a lot of real world stuff.
I want to get my degree and become a computer engineer. I feel like Cardinal Ritter gave me early access to resources in that field. They had a STEM program at our school, and they gave me access to things that I wanted to do in my future.
It’s just a family atmosphere (at Cardinal Ritter). Whether you are a student or an adult, you fill a hole there. No other high school is like that in St. Louis. Each student walks away from Cardinal Ritter with a positive memory from that school.
It’s just a great high school. I plan on sending my kids there.
Cardinal Ritter has given me a chance to express myself.
My current goal is to become the first person in my family to graduate high school.
Cardinal Ritter helps me because they are so interactive with their students – they’re a part of the students’ lives. My teachers are always there for me. One day, alumni came and talked to us about where the work. That just inspired me to keep wanting my dream. I want to be a pediatrician or an entrepreneur.
At Cardinal Ritter, we treat each other like family. It’s not like a regular with little cliques – we all get along and help each other out through everything.
Cardinal Ritter instilled in me that I can do anything I put my mind to.
I proposed challenges to them and they proposed challenges to me. Now I’m the International Operations Engineer at Anardarko Petroleum Company. I’m only 24 years of age and I have already represented the US across many different countries.
My football coach in high school was like a father figure to me. We still talk today. he taught me about choices. Choices in life mean more than anything. Whatever you want to be, just be the best at it.
A lot of companies come and talk to Cardinal Ritter, even though it’s a small school. They link you to different companies in your field and you get experience. You get a lot of exposure. The confidence that Cardinal Ritter built in me at a young age is so beneficial now that I’ve moved outside of high school and college.
Cardinal Ritter taught me who I am and what I’m about. They gave me confidence that can’t be broken.
Giving Back – Cameron posts scholarships and internships for students on his Snapchat and Instagram accounts. He continues the connetion to Cardinal Ritter. Students can follow along @cam.boles.